I recently watched a brilliant documentary called ‘Bee Sting Therapy’. It is part of a Netflix series called Unwell. The documentary explores the pros and cons of apiculture and dives deep into how the bee venom can support people suffering from Lyme’s disease back to full health. Lyme’s disease is notoriously hard to cure. It...
Upcoming Events
Yan’s Bee Breeding Invention
Spring Equinox invites new life and new ideas and with this, Yan has been busy inventing an innovative bee breeding method. The idea struck whilst Yan was splitting a hive. Splitting the hive creates another bee colony and is an effective way to breed bees. However, many of these endeavors were failing making Yan determined...
‘Song of Increase’ A Book Review by Leanne
‘Song of Increase’ is an infusion of consciousness, into interspecies relating, and the age-old art of Bee-Keeping. Jacqueline Freeman has allowed herself to be transformed by the consciousness of the Bee. She has given the Bees a voice at a time when their wisdom is most needed, an absolute treasure chest of information for those...
Living with Bees – Beekeeping for Beginners Workshop
Our first Living with Bees Workshop in June was a great success. The event took place Our first Living with Bees Workshop in July was a great success. The event took place at Chateau de Anderson in Uluwatu; with Yan facilitating the day. The workshop was divided into two main aspects: A presentation for beginner...